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Abram Zhdanov
Abram Zhdanov

Brazil Crafts For Kids

These festive Carnaval crafts for kids are easy to make and are perfect for a Carnival party. Kids of all ages will have a blast celebrating National Carnival Day with fun, DIY Carnival crafts. Whether you are celebrating Carnaval or Mardi Gras at school or looking for some carnival fun to do at home, these Carnaval crafts for kids are perfect! From feathered masks to whimsical tambourines and booming drums, we have ten festive carnival craft ideas for everyone to make Carnaval memorable!

Brazil Crafts For Kids

Hang these DIY carnival craft ideas up from the ceiling or on a hook and watch as they fly around. These fun parrots are a bright and fun addition to your home decor, and your kids will love having them hanging around your house too!

An Easter Cross Craft to celebrate the resurrection during Lent. This is a great DIY craft to do at home with your kids, during Sunday School, or at an Easter celebration. It takes a little prep but makes a beautiful art project.

If you are having a Carnaval or Mardi Gras party, these cake pops are fun food for your guests. We made ours in Mardi Gras colors, but you can use any colorful cake to create these cute cake pops. The kids love to make these pops and will have to restrain themselves from wolfing them down!

Girls reported that they spent more time out of their cells than boys do, but they do not generally receive recreational opportunities on par with those afforded to boys. None of the girls' detention centers offered opportunities for them to play sports, the primary means of large-muscle exercise for youths in detention. They appeared to spend much of their recreation time sewing, engaged in other crafts, or asleep.

Others told us that some military police officers are physically abusive. "They use batons made of rubber," said Terence M., who spent ten months in the Aninga detention center. "When they came in for searches, they would hit us."58 "The police hit me once, just like this," said Patrícia D., indicating a strike with an open palm to the back of her neck. "That was the only time they hit me. I saw them hit a lot of other kids when they entered the cells. It was the police who hit us, not the guards."59 "Sometimes they commit abuses. It's not frequent," said Lucas G. "It's just a few. They hit us sometimes with their batons."60

"This is the second rebellion in fifty days," Hamilton's father told us.80 "I saw the last one," Henrique O. told us. "The police used tear gas. I saw one kid-they had to take him to the hospital."81 Flávio M., who was in the detention center during the earlier disturbance, told us, "The shock troop came in with shotguns, hitting the kids. They hit even those who weren't in the rebellion, just came in hitting."82

Youths held in the boys' pretrial detention center in Pará reported that they are usually held in the oldest wing of the facility while on cell confinement. "I spent three days in confinement in the old wing, the old building," said Flávio M.156 Occasionally, they are held in the annex, the cell block that was used for detainees from the Espaço Recomeço detention center at the time of our visit. Fourteen-year-old Edgar B. told us, "I spent an entire night there. I took a piece of newspaper, and a monitor saw me. He put me in confinement, in the cells where the people from EREC [the Espaço Recomeço detention center] are. Those are the older kids, the big ones, like seventeen, big."157

Girls are housed in centers that serve both pretrial and sentenced detainees. Sometimes both types of detainees are placed in the same dormitories or cells. Girls do not generally receive recreational opportunities on par with those afforded to boys; in Pará and Rondônia, for example, girls had no access to sports facilities and appeared to spend much of their recreation time sewing, engaged in other crafts, or asleep. Several of the girls' detention centers, the Marise Mendes center in Amazônas in particular, were markedly older and more dilapidated than most of the boys' detention centers we saw.

Youths in the Espaço Recomeço detention center described a system of alternating morning and afternoon recreation periods. Lucas G. told us that the guards let him out of his cell at 8 a.m. for four hours one day and then for three hours starting at 3 p.m. the next day. During other times of the day, "we don't do anything," he told us.201 Tobias V., another detainee in the Espaço Recomeço detention center, reported, "We have four-and-a-half hours in the morning one day and three hours in the afternoon the next. With time and with good behavior, you can get more [recreation] time. Two times a week at night, some kids get recreation. That's for some kids, not all."202 Contrasting conditions in Pará's pretrial detention center with those in the Espaço Recomeço detention center, Henrique O. told us that the pretrial detention center "gives you more attention than in EREC [the Espaço Recomeço center]. You go to your cell at 10 p.m. to sleep. At 8 a.m. you're out of the cell.... In EREC, you spend the whole time in the cell."203

They seem to understand that visits like these sustain the little trade they are able to make by selling souvenirs and exquisite crafts. There are very few inhabitants and they are all very proud of their amazonian heritage. Although modern living is slowly making its way through, they dress up with traditional costumes.

In a city with the largest slum population in South America, Pimienta runs a non-profit organization called Meninos do Morumbi, which means Boys of Morumbi. Though Morumbi is one of the more wealthy neighborhoods in the city, children from the surrounding slums, including the nearby Paraisópolis favela, come and learn music as well as English, information technology, and arts for free. He started teaching three kids in 1997 has now grown into an institution that teaches hundreds of children and teenagers. 041b061a72


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